Monday, February 23, 2009

11th Grandbaby born!!

1st picture by photographer

Hyrum with his Great Grandma Abbott

Hyrum with Grammie VanNatter
~Thoughts from grammie
What an experience this birth was; the first all 'natural' birth in the family, and the first birth that great grammie Abbot had ever witnessed (her own childbearing days don't count!). We had 4 generations present. I, for one, am so grateful for this happy blessing in our lives at this particular time. We need good news, good happenings, and good times with those we love. We strive to be so faithful during the struggles in our lives and then blam! The Lord gives us a precious gift of new life....and life continues it's circle. I am reminded of the birth of each of you children and how unforgettable that moment was when you each were placed in my arms; a gift straight from God...just like little Hyrum.

Saturday, February 7, 2009

Trisha's Baby Shower

Baby Wilkins... Coming soon!

The reusable cake :) It was made for the Wilkins baby,

then re-used since it never got cut for Kendall's birthday party the next day! :)

Kissin' babies

The Preggos...

Our pretty shower host! Her and Jill did a fabulous job!

Momma and our friend Maureen

Sunday, February 1, 2009


Family gathering at Sariah's to celebrate and root on our home team.
The Arizona Cardinals!
Da' boys
Kellen! Our best receiver!
Danny and Trisha. Hoping to go into labor so they can name their
new son Warner Fitzgerald :)
Erwin and Phoebe
Mom and Cindy
Sariah, Trisha, and Momma